Step 1: Current Storage Environment


    / TB

    / year

    / year

    [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-1 "Step 2: Employee Output" ""]

    Step 2: Employee Output

    hours / week

    hours / week

    hours / week

    hours / week

    [calculator calculator-510 class:AverageHourlyWages class:form-control class:dollar "(employee-salary / 52) / 40"] / hour

    Average Annual Reporting Costs

    [calculator AverageAnnualReportCosts class:form-control class:dollar "(employee-salary * .025) * (StaffTimeSpentBuildingReports + StaffTimeModelingTrends + StaffTimeBuildingCapacity + SRM)"] / year

    [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-2 "Back" "Step 3: Cost Avoidance" "Step 2"]

    Step 3: Cost Avoidance

    % of storage

    % of storage

    % of storage

    [calculator orphaned_total class:dollar class:orphaned_total class:form-control "(orphaned_space * 36900)"]

    [calculator workload_total class:dollar class:workload_total class:form-control "(storage_gained * 36900)"]

    [calculator capacity_total class:dollar class:capacity_total class:form-control "(purchases_avoided * 36900)"]

    [calculator outage_total class:dollar class:outage_total class:form-control class:dollar "cost_of_outage"] saved

    [calculator chargeback_total class:chargeback_total class:form-control class:dollar "value_of_business"] saved

    Annual Costs That Are Preventable with Visual One

    [calculator preventable_costs class:form-control class:dollar "(orphaned_total + workload_total + capacity_total + outage_total + chargeback_total)"] per year

    Return on Investment

    To receive your estimated savings, costs, & ROI with Visual One Intelligence, enter your email address below:

    [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-3 "Back to Employee Output" "Step 3"]